to face your fears
to face your fears
There is Hope
Every day we meet with those returning home from jail or prison, and with the families of those that are incarcerated. Most are overwhelmed, confused, and in despair while facing an uncertain future. Our programs offer restoration and hope with solid biblical principles guided by a caring and compassionate staff.

There’s more to successful reentry than saying, “Don’t commit another crime.” Release without internal change or opportunities to succeed often lead to re-arrest. Our reentry program provides training and coaching in life skills, job readiness, mentoring, as well as job placement to set up those coming home for success.

The families of those incarcerated are victims too. Managing emotions and the tangible loss of a family member is overwhelming. Our Stronger Together program helps families process and heal with those who have been through the same journey and come out on the other side. The two end goals? Peace and reconciliation

Church Partnerships
70×7 partners with churches that minister to the incarcerated inside jail or prison and the families outside. Our Restorative Hope Churches prepare everyone for the day of release and welcome all to a loving church they can call home.

Take Charge is a life skills and support program for women who have been involved with the justice system or who are making a life transition. This program gives women the knowledge, skills, and support needed to take charge of their lives and emerge healthier, stronger, and more confident.

Keep up to date on all things happening at 70×7. Be sure to check our calendar and come support our mission for the community.

Our goal is new and godly lives for all of our participants. We recognize that some will have needs that are beyond our scope and expertise.That’s why we partner with about 50 organizations and agencies in areas such as addiction, mental health, and housing.
“And the God of all grace … will himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast.”
1 Peter 5:10

There’s more to successful reentry than saying, “Don’t commit another crime.” Release without internal change or opportunities to succeed often lead to re-arrest. Our reentry program provides training and coaching in life skills, job readiness, mentoring, as well as job placement to set up those coming home for success.

The families of those incarcerated are victims too. Managing emotions and the tangible loss of a family member is overwhelming. Our Stronger Together program helps families process and heal with those who have been through the same journey and come out on the other side. The two end goals? Peace and reconciliation.

Church Partnerships
70×7 partners with churches that minister to the incarcerated inside jail or prison and the families outside. Our Restorative Hope Churches prepare everyone for the day of release and welcome all to a loving church they can call home.

Take Charge is a life skills and support program for women who have been involved with the justice system or who are making a life transition. This program gives women the knowledge, skills, and support needed to take charge of their lives and emerge healthier, stronger, and more confident.

Keep up to date on all things happening at 70×7. Be sure to check our calendar and come support our mission for the community.

Cards for Prisoners
Many prisoners have no real contact with anyone on the outside. Months, even years can go by without a visit. Be one of the hundreds of pen pals who show Christ’s love with caring letters of inspiration.
“And the God of all grace … will himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast.”
1 Peter 5:10

Out of incarceration
into a life of purpose
into a life of purpose
Out of incarceration
into a life of purpose
into a life of purpose